Thursday, October 27, 2005

The Sincerest Form of Flattery...

This post appeared on Craigslist the other day. It's funny enough that you should click through to Flickr to read the details:

The sincerest form of flattery

We thought it was awesome, so we created a proper home for it on the wall at the Zvents office:

Market Leadership Award

Humor aside, this raises a key point about Web 2.0. The same factors that mean that "two guys and a router" can build a business like Facebook in ten days and have it take off, mean that two more guys and another router can build a business and compete with your cool new business.

There are only three ways to get to market differenation: Technological advantage, network effect, or marketing-driven aggregation of eyeballs. There are great examples of success in all three categories; but there are no examples of success that didn't pull off one. And we all know that the first two are waaaaay cheaper than the third.

It's a marathon, guys. Keep running.

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